Chinese Acupuncture Clinic

Call Today 719-634-1669

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine function to promote the body's natural ability to heal itself.

Testimonials for Neck Pain

TMJ syndrome and Accompanying Neck Pain

Lori Ashton Colorado Springs

I experienced TMJ syndrome due to jaw misalignment. I had a great deal of pain and stiffness whenever I attempted to turn my head. I incurred a childhood fall and later, whiplash from an auto accident, both of which contributed to my neck pain.

I was referred to Chinese Acupuncture Clinic by my family doctor after several pain medication prescriptions with very little relief.

I noticed pain relief within a few minutes after the needles inserted. The relief held up for about two days, and then the pain would reestablish itself, but to a lesser degree. So, progress was steady-with diminishing pain and gradual restoration of motion. At the completion of my 10 treatments after 8 weeks, I was free from neck pain and TMJ syndrome.

I have occasional flare-ups due to stress, overwork, or sleeping in the wrong position. Flare-ups are infrequent and are cleared up in one to three treatments. I now move my neck normally.Plus, my vision and my sleep have greatly improved and chronic headaches had never came back since.

*Individual results may vary.

For more information, please call the Chinese Acupuncture Clinic at 719-634-1669 to schedule an appointment .